Producer & Programmer in London, UK.
Freelance in production, distribution, exhibition.


The Coolest Girl in School (in post-production); Somewhere Very Near (in post); The Hat Method (in post); Stagger (2021); Boxers or Briefs (2022)

Associate producer & Location manager Let’s Not Do This Tonight (2022)

Co-director ScreenCraft Works: an international community of cross-border mentoring, talks and networking, supporting and celebrating under-represented production and post-production talent in film & TV

Freelance work includes:
Q&A host, including director Q&As for Typist Artist Pirate King and Cameraman at Saffron Screen and Monica at The Lexi and Genesis (2023)
Theatrical distribution for Love Without Walls (2023)
Managing the short film portal for British Council Film
Producing events for TLC (Trans-Led Cinema) with Inclusive Cinema & The Lexi Cinema
Q&As, copywriting, programme notes, programming
Programmer for Saffron Screen 2008-2021


Production company. Projects include:

The Coolest Girl in School - dir. Tulasi Das. In post-production.

Somewhere Very Near - dir. Rachel Fowler. In post-production.

The Hat Method - dir. Erifili Missiou. In pre-production.


Rebecca is a producer and programmer and freelancer in the film industry.

Formerly a lawyer, she escaped and followed her passion into the world of film. She led the team which set up and ran the successful independent cinema, Saffron Screen, in Essex, and she programmed the cinema until 2021.
She now works across a range of film roles.

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